导读 您好,今天小编胡舒来为大家解答以上的问题。作家都德简介,都德简介相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、中文: 阿尔封斯·...


1、中文: 阿尔封斯·都德(1840~1897),19世纪法国著名现实主义作家,小说家,龚(gōng)古尔学院院士。


3、英文:Ahl seals Si ·du the Germany (1840~1897), the 19th century France renowned realism writer, writer of fiction, Gong (gōng) academician Gull institute. He is born the silk merchant family which neame city declines south France, under destitute, 15 years old hold the post in the elementary school supervise study (study independently class instructor similarly), alone makes a living.。
