
TeachingPlan外国语学院英语教育078班 胡蓉一.课题:Unit4 How do you get to school?二.课型:新授课、听说课。三.教学时间:共六课时,本课为第一课时。四.教学目标:1.单元教学目标(1)能力目标:能够询问出行方式,并能对此进行回答,还会描述他人出行方式;能够谈论出行时间、路程;了解东西方国家出行方式和差异,掌握一定交通知识。(2)情感态度目标:从交通工具的选择上培养学生的环保意识。 (3)文化意识目标:中外出行方式对比。2.本课教学目标(1)语言知识目标:①词汇:take, bike, train, subway, walk;②短语:on foot, by train, bysubway, ride the bike; ③句子:How do you get to school?Iget to school by bus. / I take the bus to school.Howdoes Bob get to school?Hegets to school by bus. / He takes the bus to school.(2)语言技能目标:学会谈论交通工具;表达出行方式。五.教学重点:How do you get to school?I …Howdoes Bob get to school?He…六.教学难点:I take the bus toschool. / I get to school by bus. He takes the bus to school.七.教学方法:3P教学法和任务型教学法。八.教学媒体:多媒体设备(图片、声音、视频)、黑板。九.教学流程图及说明: 教师活动 学生活动教学内容和步骤教学意图和说明Step1 Warming up(1min)进行了简单问候,集中学生注意力,拉近师生间距离。Step2 Leading-in(4min)Show a video of cartoon to Ss. and ask them to pay attention to the expressions of transportation, and then figure out how many kinds of transportation there are in the video and what they are. Show the pictures of transportation appearing in the video and teach Ss. new words.从学生感兴趣的卡通片入手,引出本单元“交通”这一核心话题,分配观影任务给学生,提起学生对知识主题的兴趣,从而自然地引入单词学习。Step3 Guessing game(5min)1. Let Ss. listen two kinds of sounds and distinguish what transportations they represent.2. (Group work) Give Ss. 3 sentences which describe 3 kinds of transportation. Let them discuss with group members and guess what they are. Groups race to answer the questions.利用声音、图像和文字来开展趣味猜测游戏,从而进行生动的单词教学,采用小组竞猜的方式有助于激发学生学习热情,从一定程度上也可以培养学生的合作意识和竞争意识。Step4 Presentation of sentence(6min)Set an example for Ss.: I take the bus to school.I get to school by bus.Lead Ss. to read the sentences for one time. Teach Ss. how to answer the question “How do you get to school?” and give them some explanations. Show a picture of a car, and guide them to answer the question by describing it.在学习了单词和短语之后,开始引导学生整合句子,老师先以自身为例给出句式,并对句子构成进行简单讲解,让学生对出行方式的表达首先有了一个感性认识;紧接着带领学生朗读句子,让句式进一步深入学生记忆当中;展示出一幅图片,引导学生运用所学句式描述图片,培养学生自主学习能力和探究能力,展现答案以深化学生对句子的认知水平。Step5 Practice (18min)1. Substitutional practice: Show more pictures of different transportations mentioned before and let Ss. use the pictures to answer teacher’s questions one by one. Give explanations of some special use of phrases, such as on foot, ride the bike.2. 1a in the textbook. Let Ss. observe the picture and write down the ways Ss. in the picture get to school by filling in the blanks with new-learnt expressions. Then check answers.3. 1b. Listen and match the names with right people and write down the numbers into the boxes.4. Use the picture in 1a to practice another conversation. Teacher first sets an example:How does Bob get to school?He gets to school by train. and then ask the whole class to describe one student in the picture and volunteers to describe three students 让学生对所学句式进行反复口头操练,操练形式有单人操练,也有集体操练,这样能更全面的照顾到各层次学生的需求,保证练习成效,在训练完说的能力后,用填空的方式能训练到学生写的能力,从而为接下来的听力练习打下基础,在听方面的训练,能提升学生对语言的运用能力,也能很好地检测学生在之前阶段对语言学习的掌握程度。Step6 Production (8min)Let Ss. work in pairs and make conversations:How do you get to school?I…How does he/she get to school?He/She…Choose some pairs to present their conversations in front of the class.与搭档交谈,获悉对方上学出行方式,增进彼此了解,用这一比较实用的话题进一步培养学生运用所学知识,锻炼其口语交际能力。Step7 Summary(2min)Restate the learnt phrases and sentences.复习总结本课时所学内容,给同学一个清晰的学习脉络,同时也是再次巩固新授知识。Step8 Homework.(1min)1. Copy the phrases in 1a.2. Write down the conversation they made with their partners just now.课外作业是课堂的一中延伸,通过抄写短语,可以深化学生对本课时语言知识的记忆;编写对话,可以检测学生在课堂上pairwork的成效,让未发言的同学获得老师指正的机会。板书设计Unit 4 How do you get to school? TransportationHow do you get to school? How does Bob get to school?I get to school by bus. He takes the bus to school.