导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。viewstate用法,viewstatemode属性)这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!Quite frankly, the unce...


Quite frankly, the uncertainty about state of the recent market rebound hung over the domestic equity markets again in view of the drastic pullback of the previously red-hot equities in droves.


美国彭博新闻社官网7月20日报道:美国前国务卿亨利·基辛格表示,今天的地缘政治需要“尼克松式的灵活性”,以帮助化解美中之间以及俄罗斯与欧洲其他国家之间的冲突(Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said geopolitics today requires “Nixonian flexibility” to help defuse conflicts between the US and China as well as between Russia and the rest of Europe)。

报道的原标题是《Kissinger Warns Biden Against Endless Confrontation With China》(基辛格警告拜登不要与中国无休止的对抗)。

报道说,在警告“中国不应成为全球霸权”的同时,这位在20世纪70年代帮助重建美中关系的人士表示,乔·拜登总统应警惕让国内政治干预“理解中国永久性的重要性”(“the importance of understanding the permanence of China.”)。

现年99岁的基辛格周二在纽约接受彭博社总编辑约翰·米克尔思瓦特(Bloomberg News Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait)采访时表示:“拜登和前几届政府受到了国内观点的太多影响”,”当然,重要的是要防止中国或任何其他国家的霸权”(“Biden and previous administrations have been too much influenced by the domestic aspects of the view of China)。但“这不是通过无休止的对抗就能实现的”,他在《智慧广场》和《如何学会》栏目制作的访谈中补充道。

他此前曾表示,美中之间日益恶化的不利关系,有可能引发一场全球“类似于第一次世界大战的灾难”(He’s previously said the increasingly adversarial relations between the US and China risk a global “catastrophe comparable to World War I.”)。

报道说,地缘政治和大国关系是基辛格新书《领导力:世界战略中的六个研究》(Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy)的中心主题,该书聚焦于六位关键领导人:德国的康拉德·阿登纳、法国的戴高乐、美国的尼克松、埃及的安瓦尔·萨达特、英国首相玛格丽特·撒切尔和新加坡有影响力的第一任总理李光燿。

报道说,在回顾当今欧洲领导人的表现时,从法国的伊曼纽尔·马克龙到德国的奥拉夫·朔尔茨,基辛格说,当前的“欧洲领导人没有阿登纳和戴高乐等前任国家元首发挥作用的方向感和使命感”,这让他感到悲哀(Kissinger said it made him sad that current “European leadership does not have the sense of direction and mission” that previous heads of state, such as Adenauer and de Gaulle, brought to their roles)。




中美关系:the China-US relationship

白宫:the White House

美国国务院:the State Department

白宫新闻秘书:White House press secretary

美国的双边关系立场: US stance on bilateral ties

国宴厅:the State Dining Room

发表演说:to deliver a speech

施政重点:governance priorities

上届政府的强硬政策:the hard-line policies of the previous administration

最严峻竞争对手:the most serious competitor

繁荣、安全与民主价值观:prosperity, security and democratic values

气候变化、核不扩散、全球卫生安全:climate change, nonproliferation, and global health security

高级特使:top envoy

对立面:adversarial aspects

为了两国的利益:for the benefit of the two countries

务实合作:practical cooperation

竞争与合作:competition and cooperation

大势所趋:a popular trend

合作领域:areas of cooperation

中国的核心利益、民族自尊以及14亿人的情感:China's core interests, national dignity and the sentiment of its 1.4 billion people

不可触碰的红线: a "red line" not to be crossed

重启对话,恢复合作,重建信任:to reopen dialogue, resume cooperation and rebuild trust

为世界和平、稳定与繁荣作出贡献:to contribute to world peace, stability and prosperity

全球性挑战:global challenge

以更加理性的眼光看待两国关系:to take a more rational view toward bilateral ties

聚焦合作,管控分歧,推动两国关系健康稳定发展:to focus on cooperation, manage differences and promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations

不冲突、不对抗,相互尊重:non-conflict, non-confrontation and mutual respect

坚定维护国家主权、安全和发展利益:to firmly safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests

#英语# #我们一起学英语# #词汇#


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《Value Functions Factorization with Latent State Information Sharing in Decentralized Multi-Agent Policy Gradients》


Even though the sector of metaverse plummeted today in view of impromptu investment concept of hype rather than investment in substantial progress of innovative technologies, citing state media, and notched a biggest tumble since the index unveiling.

*Indian Government extended Stock Limit on Edible Oils & Oilseeds up to 31 December 2022-*

New Delhi: In view of the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war resulting in supply restrictions in import of edible oils and oilseeds, the Centre has extended the stock limits imposed on edible oils and oilseeds until December 31.

*This will come into effect from April 1.*

A notification from the Ministry of Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution’s Department of Food and Public Distribution published on Wednesday, *extended the date from March 31 to December 31.*

The government had claimed that it formulated a multi-pronged strategy to ensure that the prices of essential commodities such as edible oils, remain controlled. Measures like rationalisation of import duty structure, launching of a web-portal for self-disclosure of stocks held by various stakeholders, have already been taken.

*Under this amendment, the stock limits for edible oils are 30 quintals for retail and 500 quintals for wholesale while the same for oilseeds will be 100 quintals and 2,000 quintals, respectively. In both cases, the time for processors is 90 days of storage/production capacity.*

*In a related development, the government has also extended the free import of refined palm oils till December 31.*

The Lok Sabha was informed on Wednesday that 62.84 LMT of palm oil was imported between June 2021 and March 14, 2022.

In a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha, Union Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti said: “In order to improve the domestic availability and to keep prices of edible oils under control, the government has allowed import of edible oils under Open General Licence (OGL).”
