导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。ekp.canc.com.cn公司ekp网址,cancollege这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!加州社区大学助学金等你...


加州社区大学助学金等你来拿 3月2日申请截止

【美新社讯】加州社区大学校(Calfornia Community Colleges)总校长奥克利(Eloy Ortiz Oakley)提醒学生:

在3月2日截止日期之前,申请加州助学金(Cal Grant),以尽可能获得更多援助。


根据负责管理加州助学金(Cal Grant)和《加州梦想法案》(California Dream Act)计画的加州学生援助委员会(California Student Aid Commission)数据表明,与去年同期相比,即将毕业的高中生中完成联邦学生补助免费申请(FAFSA)的数量下降了11%(19,330)。 《加州梦想法案》(California Dream Act)申请数量同比也下降15%(2,712)。该法案支持符合资格的无证学生能有机会申请与其他学生相同的州级助学金,

总校长奥克利表示:“财务问题对很多学生来说是实现求学目标的主要障碍。虽然加州社区大学提供学生许多种类的助学金,但大多数助学金取决于是否提交联邦学生补助免费申请(FAFSA)或《加州梦法案》(California Dream Act)申请表。然而,每年都有余下的助学金,因为学生没有申请。这就是为什么每位即将毕业的十二年级学生都应该提交助学金申请,即使他们认为自己不符合资格或者尚未确定高中毕业后的计画也应申请。”


加州学生援助委员会执行董事贾西亚(Marlene Garcia)说道:“学生必须在加州助学金(Cal Grant)3月2日的截止日期前,完成联邦学生补助免费申请(FAFSA),才有资格获得州和联邦助学金,这将让学生有机会获得最多的资金。对于无证学生而言,加州助学金(Cal Grant)的截止日期尤为重要,因为他们不符合获得联邦助学金的资格。他们必须在3月2日之前完成《加州梦想法案》申请,才有资格获得州级助学金。”

加州助学金(Cal Grant)为就读于社区大学、加州大学、加州州立大学、线上或独立型大学以及非营利性大学的加州学生提供免费援助金,帮助学生支付包括书本、用品、交通和租金等就读大学的费用。

科森尼斯河学院(CosumnesRiver College)学生Ky Mazyck-Holmes分享道:“我只有获得助学金才能负担大学费用。这笔资金让我能维持生活、购买书本,并通过教育使我的生活变得更好。”

加州社区大学同时也鼓励学生和家长参加即将举行的「Cash for College」线上研讨会,该研讨会由财务援助专员主持,帮助个人填写助学金表格和提供相关资源。



要注册免费的「Cash for College」线上研讨会,请造访:




综合类 公办 普通本科

沈阳大学(Shenyang University)简称“沈大”,坐落在国家区域中心城市—沈阳,是教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”高校、辽宁省首批向应用型转变示范高校、辽宁省首批深化创新创业教育改革示范高校、辽宁省来华留学生工作示范建设高校,入选国家级大学生创新创业训练计划、教育部首批”新工科研究与实践项目“、教育部产学合作协同育人项目、辽宁省一流学科建设项目、辽宁省大学生创业孵化示范基地,是涵盖经、法、教、文、史、理、工、农、管、艺10个学科门类的综合性大学。 沈阳大学成立于1980年,学校办学历史可以追溯到1905年创办的奉天实业学堂和1906年创办的新民公学堂;在长期发展进程中,相继合并沈阳财经学院、沈阳工业高等专科学校(原冶金工业部直属高校)、沈阳教育学院、新民师范学院等院校;2003年获得硕士学位授予权;2007年,学校在教育部本科教学工作水平评估中获得优秀;2010年获批博士后科研工作站;2012年获批服务国家特殊需求博士人才培养项目。

Shenyang university

Comprehensive public general undergraduate course

Shenyang University, Shenyang University) referred to as "Shenyang - dalian", is located in the national regional central cities - Shenyang, education "outstanding engineers training plan" is the Ministry of Education in colleges and universities, the first to practical demonstration of colleges and universities in liaoning province, the first batch of deepening the reform of creative education demonstration of colleges and universities in liaoning province, liaoning province, students work demonstration construction in colleges and universities in China, to be included in the national college students' innovative entrepreneurial training plan, the first "new engineering research and practice of project of the Ministry of Education", co-operative education project, the Ministry of Education, first-class discipline construction projects in liaoning province, liaoning province college students venture incubation demonstration base, It is a comprehensive university covering 10 disciplines including economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, management and art. Shenyang University was founded in 1980. Its history can be traced back to the establishment of Fengtian Industrial School in 1905 and Xinmin Public School in 1906. In the course of long-term development, Shenyang Institute of Finance and Economics.

以前我觉得成绩不重要。清华 、北大,只能代表学生时代的成就。后来我发现,努力是种习惯,它会贯穿终生。

I used to think grades were not important. Tsinghua University and Peking University can only represent the achievements of students. Later, I found that effort is a habit that will last a lifetime.


Dad's Job


Son: Dad, tell me about your work.You work in a bank, right?

Dad: Yes, that's right. I'm a bank teller.

Son: What do you have to do?

Dad: Take cash, checks, debit cards, and other payment forms from customers, exchange customers' money for foreign currency. Things like that.

Son: Is it hard?

Dad: It's pretty hard work. I sure am tired at the end of the day.

Son: Is it a stressful job?

Dad: Yes, it is. There is a significant amount of risk when dealing with large sums of cash. I must follow procedures very carefully. Lines can get long, and some customers take a lot of time to wait on, with lots of questions and transactions. Meanwhile, those in line are becoming impatient and irritable.

Son: Is banking a boring job?

Dad: Well, yes, it can get boring sometimes.

Son: Why don't you get an easier job?

Dad: I love this job because it pays well enough to provide the very best for you.

Son: We don't need very much. Why don't you just take it easy?

Dad: I have to save every penny I can for you college.

Son: If I get into college, Dad, I promise I'll do my best.

Dad: That's a big relief. Study hard and that will be my best reward.

Vocabularies and phrases:

bank teller: 银行出纳。

procedure: 手续,规程.

irritable: 易怒的

take it easy: 放松




And I realized a truth that I could cherish: those who are optimistic and self-confident, and who enjoy doing something new, worry less about failure.


I want to serve my country.



Develop economy, perfect oneself,

serve country, Serve the society.





I will do it with a heart filled with gratitude, with a deep and abiding love for our country, and with nothing but optimism and confidence for the days ahead.




For China-you owe it to China to pay back the many sacrifices that were required to build this great nation-and you must contribute to its future.






As a student, your current, the most urgent task is to learn, to be a useful, this is your motherland, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation capital.





As the famous verse says," Such kindness of warm sun cannot be repaid by grass", the key to return parents'love, repay hometowns and serve the country is action, action and action!





In short, the effectiveness of education must be constantly improved so that "red culture" education can really encourage university students to inherit and carry forward the excellent revolutionary tradition, determine to become a useful man and serve the motherland.

#教育听我说# #英语# #哪句话,真正写到你的心坎里去了呢# #人生# #人生微语# #人生的最高境界是什么# #生活压力大,如何去释放压力# #人生感悟与你分享# #生活# #生活日记# #100种美好生活# #英语启蒙##头号周刊# #奇妙知识季# #抄书# #情绪# #怎样调整好自己的情绪和心态# #当你遇到人生困境时,你是怎么度过的# #怎么才能控制好自己的情绪呢##生活感悟##挣钱# #你为什么拼命挣钱# #人的一生到底为什么而奋斗# #奋斗#




Those professors and college students can only hit the books, which is a relatively easy job. They can't fight, two can't revolution, three can't work, four can't plow the fields. Their knowledge is very poor, speak these things, know nothing about. That is why I often say that intellectuals, compared with workers and peasants, are the least learned people. They go from book to book, concept to concept, and nothing else.



I wish all college students who have been working hard to learn English can successfully pass CET-4 and CET-6!


I wish those college students who are not very satisfied with their CET-4 and CET-6 scores can get high marks this year.


According to China Education Examination network, the CET score inquiry service for CET Band 4 and CET Band 6 in June of the first half of 2022 will be launched on August 25, 2022. The relevant arrangements are as follows:


2022年8月25日 上午10时

1、 Check the result opening time:

10:00 a.m. on August 25, 2022



2、 Query content:

scores of CET-4 and CET-6 in the first half of 2022 (June)

#打开眼界# #夏日大作战#



Recently, most of the post-00s generation have begun to wonder how they can achieve sustained income and financial independence. After all, we had grown up, and as college students, we had learned a few things. We all grew up knowing we needed to learn to be independent early. Because our parents are no longer young, their white hair is quietly growing. As children, do we not know that the tree is still and the wind persists? The son wants to be kept, but the kiss does not wait. Of reason. Eager to achieve economic independence of us, have to say, now really some of the pinch, the network to youth convenience at the same time, there are some fraud, if we can not distinguish true and false, back to pay a huge price. How I hope there is a completely formal online part-time channels, so that college students are less deceived, so that college students can learn professional knowledge meanwhile, but also exercise entrepreneurial skills and hone.[比心][比心][比心]真棒,你阅读了全文,这里每天分享我的日常,关注 点赞(。ò ∀ ó。)把你的想法告诉小编,或者私信我哦(´-ω-`)我们一起暴富[奋斗][奋斗][奋斗]
