导读 您好,今天小编胡舒来为大家解答以上的问题。always是什么意思,away是什么意思相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、lead是...


1、lead是引导、带领,但lead away不是字面上的意思lead away v.使盲从be lead away是被动语态,意为(被带着)盲从、人云亦云例句供参考"lead away"相关例句1.To lead away from excellence or virtue. 舍弃长处或优点 2.The farmers dug ditches in the rain to lead away the flow. 农民们冒雨开沟排水。

2、3.The commune members dug ditches in the rain to lead away the flow. 社员们冒雨开沟排水。

3、4.Then answered all the wicked men and men of Belial, of those that went with David, and said, Because they went not with us, we will not give them ought of the spoil that we have recovered, save to every man his wife and his children, that they may lead them away, and depart. 跟随大卫人中的恶人和匪类说,这些人既然没有和我们同去,我们所夺的财物就不分给他们,只将他们各人的妻子儿女给他们,使他们带去就是了。

4、 5.Sir, would you lead your dog away? You see, everyone is disturbed. 先生,能把您的狗牵走吗? 您看所有的人被打扰了。

5、6.A school should not try to lead a child away from his family. 学校不应该使学生背离家庭。

6、7.However, some analysts say this lead could melt away if the CORBA compliant object technology vendors cannot work out lower-level interoperability for their software. 然而,有些分析师认为,如果符合CORBA的对象技术供应商不能为其软件制订出低级的互用性(标准),已有的领先地位可能会丧失。

7、 8.Under the circumstance of the failure of enterprise target function, the failure of the adjustment function will provide more chances to the personal targets that shall lead the enterprise away from its presumed target. 在企业目标功能 失效的情况下,企业调控功能失效可以为偏离企业目标的个人目标提供更多的实现机会。

8、 9.Our lead (= in a sports competition, for example) was being gradually whittled away. 我们的领先优势在逐渐削弱。

9、10.The visiting team built up impressive lead in the first half, then threw it away by loose defensive play in the second. 客队在上半时遥遥领先,在下半时却由于防守松散被对方赶了上来。

10、 11.The visiting team built up an impressive lead in the first half , then threw is away by loose defensive play in the second . 上半时客队遥遥领先,但到了下半时却由于防守松懈被对方赶了上来。

11、12.pull away to 96-74; increase the lead 96-74 把比分拉开到96比74 13.The horse pulled away and took the lead in the race 这匹马向前冲并在比赛中取得领先。

12、***.No biggie, we are going to build a 20 pt lead in the first 6 min of the 3rd quarter and then blow them away. 不要大惊小怪,第三节的头6分钟,我们会有20分得优势,然后浪费掉!15.Brenda Unique ran away with the Regional Division 1 title with a 12 points lead at the top. 布兰达唯一的人或物与私奔与一个12点一起的地区划分1标题在顶领导。

13、16.If you pick away the copper-coloured surface, you can see that the metal of the necklace is actually lead. 剥去铜色的外层,你就可以看见这项链实际上是铅做的。

14、17.As rust, arisen out of iron, eats itself away, even so his own deeds lead the transgressor to the states of woe. 好像铁锈那样,来自铁、却把铁蚀掉;违规的人被自己的所为带到苦恼的境地。

15、18.While most of us rely on gut feelings to alert us to danger, spiritual intelligence usually nudges us, not away from, but toward some action that will lead to a greater good. 大多数人觉察危险是凭直觉。


17、19.Ignoring the jerking of her chest muscles and holding her breath resolutely, she pushed away from the post and swam along the bridge shadow. The bridge was long, but it had to lead to shallow water. She kept going. 顾不得胸肌的抽搐,拼全力憋住呼吸,她离桥墩那根支柱,沿着桥的影子游去。



20、20.lead away their attention 引开他们的注意力。
