导读 您好,今天小编胡舒来为大家解答以上的问题。gentleman,gentle相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、gentleadj.温和的, 文...


1、gentleadj.温和的, 文雅的gentlegen.tle adj.(形容词)gen.tler,gen.tlest Considerate or kindly in disposition; amiable and tender.友善的,和蔼的:性情体谅的或和蔼的;和善的,柔顺的Not harsh or severe; mild and soft:柔和的。

2、不猛烈的:不严厉的或不厉害的;温和的,温柔的:a gentle scolding; a gentle tapping at the window.温和的斥责;在窗户上轻敲Easily managed or handled; docile:温驯的:容易管理的或处理的;温驯的:a gentle horse.驯良的马Not steep or sudden; gradual:不陡峭的或不突然的;逐渐的:a gentle incline.缓坡Of good family; wellborn.出身高贵的;出身名门的Suited to one of good breeding; refined and polite.有教养的,有礼的:与良好教养相称的;优雅的。

3、礼貌的Archaic Noble; chivalrous:【古语】 高贵的;勇武的:a gentle knight.勇武的骑士n.Archaic (名词)【古语】 One of good birth or relatively high station.出身好的人,地位较高的人v.tr.(及物动词)gen.tled,gen.tling,gen.tles To make less severe or intense:使缓和:使变得不严厉或不紧张:The peaceful sunset gentled her dreadful mood.夕阳西下的美景缓和了她惊骇的情绪To soothe, as by stroking; pacify.安抚,使温和:受打击时安慰;使平静To tame or break (a domestic animal, for instance):驯服:使(例如家畜)驯服或饲养:gentle a horse.驯服一匹马To raise to the status of a noble.使高贵:取得贵族的地位Middle English gentil [courteous, noble] 中古英语 gentil [谦恭的。

4、高贵的] from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin gentºs [of the same clan] 源自 拉丁语 gentºs [同一家族的] from g¶s gent- [clan] * see gen…- 源自 g¶s gent- [家族] *参见 gen…- gen“tlenessn.(名词)gen“tlyadv.(副词)gentlen.饵; 诱饵gentlegen.tleadj.gen.tler,gen.tlest Considerate or kindly in disposition; amiable and tender.Not harsh or severe; mild and soft:a gentle scolding; a gentle tapping at the window.Easily managed or handled; docile:a gentle horse.Not steep or sudden; gradual:a gentle incline.Of good family; wellborn.Suited to one of good breeding; refined and polite.Archaic Noble; chivalrous:a gentle knight.n.Archaic One of good birth or relatively high station.v.tr.gen.tled,gen.tling,gen.tles To make less severe or intense:The peaceful sunset gentled her dreadful mood.To soothe, as by stroking; pacify.To tame or break (a domestic animal, for instance):gentle a horse.To raise to the status of a noble.Middle English gentil [courteous, noble] from Old French from Latin gentºs [of the same clan] from g¶s gent- [clan] * see gen…- gen“tlenessn.gen“tlyadv.gentle词根gen出生;gentle 来自拉丁词gentilis属于同一氏族的。
