导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。男男play答错一道题塞一支笔,playidea这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!共建网络文明,凝聚奋进力...







Dear son, I dreamt of you during my nap today. You were still dressed and haircut when you came home during the winter vacation. I seemed to know that you were ill, but I didn't hurry to find a doctor for you. Instead, I was waiting for something. You didn't say anything. I walked out of the door silently. When I saw your back, I suddenly thought of taking you to see a doctor. I was worried that you were far away. I took out the phone to contact you, but it was your phone and my phone in my hand. I subconsciously found that you were unhappy and would have an accident. I immediately called Xiaomin: help me find Meng Xiang, quickly! We all began to look for you anxiously, and the idea that you would go back to your room to play with the computer was no longer tenable.

I was trapped in a two-story building and couldn't get out. I don't know how long I came to the back of the building and shouted your name. I saw my neighbor Shen Qian when she was five or six years old. She didn't care about it and said: she's dead. She irritated me, and I shouted: you are dead! You are all dead At this time, Shen Qian's second aunt scolded Shen Qian on the second floor behind her, saying that she was mean and shouldn't have said... Just as the opposite family was doing business, a group of women were washing and cutting vegetables, all talking about it, and I shouted at them: you people will never live as wonderful as Meng thought! Hate their stupid indifference and the faces of their evil neighbors who are indifferent and ungrateful. As I despised them and walked on, an old woman beside me said, "I'm sorry. I also said that I was actually trying to please a company.". I said: you are honest. Then I said: my son is the monitor of the 985 First-class University Junior... I cried and said that when we came to a steep slope, I squatted and tried to slide down. The old woman hit me with her legs. I couldn't control my balance, and immediately shouted: don't touch me! Don't touch me!

Robert had just moved into the street and he felt strange that he was not wanted. He knew that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help to make him less lonely. He was new and he had to be tested. Still, proving himself would not be all that easy.


He did not want to run with bad boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong. No! He must show what he was made of in a more helpful way. That's when he got the idea.

The next day was Saturday. He knew that most of the boys would be down on the playground and choose up sides for the Saturday game. Robert knew he could play well and that just might be enough to prove he was strong-and to make friends with them.

He arrived early and did his step exercises. He shot the ball several times and did some other exercises-the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball. Then the boys came. Robert went through what he had done before the game and showed what he could do. No one said a word. The boys just looked at each other and thought about it.

In the end, when it was all over, the biggest of the group just smiled and shook his head. Robert knew he had made it.

罗伯特刚搬到这条街上,他感到很奇怪,为什么他不被需要。 他知道,也许其他男孩是想知道他是一个什么样的男孩。 这并没有帮助他减轻孤独。 他是新来的,必须接受考验。 不过,证明自己并非易事。

 他不想和坏男孩混在一起,也不想为了证明自己的强壮而触犯法律。 不! 他必须以一种更有帮助的方式展示他的能力。 就在那时,他有了这个想法。  

第二天是星期六。 他知道大多数男孩都将在操场上为星期六的比赛选队。 罗伯特知道他能打得很好,这就足以证明他很强壮——也能和他们交朋友。

 他到得很早,做踏步运动。 他投了几次球,做了一些其他的练习——在篮球中最困难和最精彩的。 然后男孩们来了。 罗伯特经历了他在比赛前所做的,并展示了他能做的。 没有人说话。 男孩们只是面面相觑,思考着这件事。 

最后,当一切都结束时,最大的那群人只是微笑着摇了摇头。 罗伯特知道自己成功了。

Never say die. 永不言败 | 人若没有高度,看到的全是问题,人若没有格局,看到的全是鸡毛蒜皮。

佳句背诵 123

where love reigns the impossible may be attained. 爱的力量是巨大的。

May you live in interesting times. 祝你生活愉快。

A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一个苹果医生将会远离。

To rob Peter to pay Paul. 拆了东墙补西墙。

It is hard to pay for bread that has already been eaten.


It is difficult to be gay. 想快乐很难。

A stag at bay is a dangerous foe. 不带女伴的男人在海湾是危险的敌人。

If you were born lucky, even your rooster will lay eggs. 


Buy a dog a toy and it will play with it for ever.  


Never ask a bard to play the banjo. 永远不要让呤诗的人弹五弦琴。

Get a good idea and stay with it. 有好主意要坚持。

Stay up and fight. 保持清醒,继续战斗!

The tooth often bites the tongue, and yet they stay together. 


Say but little, and say it well. 说少但要说好。

Never say die. 永不言败。






Ben is now fifteen years old. He is interested in collecting coins. He has been collecting them for three years. He can still remember how he started to collect them.

Two years ago, on a Saturday morning, Ben was bored.  He didn’t have anything to do. He wasn’t interested in doing anything. He didn’t want to watch TV or listen to the radio. He didn’t want to play sports or read books. “I’m bored,” Ben said. “What can I do? I want to do something interesting.”


Ben’s father had an idea. “I have an idea,” his father said. “Why don’t you collect coins? Coins are fun to collect. And coins are everywhere. You see coins every day. Some coins are valuable. They will make you rich.” Since then, he has been collecting them from his parents.

Now Ben has a big piggy bank which is filled with coins. Sometimes he can take some of them to buy some snacks with his parents’ permission. In March, 2012, there was an earthquake in Yunnan, and Ben donated many of his coins to help the homeless children in Yunnan. He said he was happy to help others who are in trouble.

本现在15岁了。 他对收集硬币感兴趣。 他收集这些硬币已经有三年了。 他还记得他是如何开始收集它们的。  

两年前,一个周六的早晨,本感到很无聊。 他无事可做。 他对做任何事都不感兴趣。 他不想看电视或听广播。 他不想运动,也不想读书。 “我很无聊,”本说。 “我该怎么办?” 我想做一些有趣的事情。” 

本的父亲有个主意。 “我有个主意,”他父亲说。 “你为什么不收集硬币呢?” 收集硬币很有趣。 硬币到处都是。 你每天都能看到硬币。 有些硬币很值钱。 他们会让你变得富有。” 从那以后,他就一直从父母那里收集它们。  

现在本有一个装满硬币的大存钱罐。 有时候,在父母的允许下,他可以带一些孩子去买零食。 2012年3月,云南发生地震,本捐出了很多硬币帮助云南无家可归的孩子。 他说他很高兴能帮助那些有困难的人。

八年级英语上册同步基础训练 第21期【含答案】


(    )1.The music _______ beautiful.

A. looks B. feels C. hears D. sounds

(    )2.—Jane, can you play _______ baseball?

—No, I can’t. But I can play _______ violin.

A. the; theB./; theC./; /D. the; /

(    )3.—How much is it _______ piano lessons?


A. of B. inC. toD. for

(    )4.Pop music is _______ music.

A. serious B. exciting

C. hard D. simple

(    )5.Liu Dehua, Zhou Jielun and Lin Junjie are famous _______ their pop songs.

A. asB. for

C. withD. of

(    )6.They _______ some books from the library last week.

A. lentB. lends

C. borrowedD. buy

(    )7.There is going to _______ a football match the day after tomorrow.

A. haveB. has

C. hostD. be

(    )8.—Hi, Linda. _______ a hot day! Let’s go swimming, OK?

—That’s a good idea!

A. HowB. WhatC./D. Which

(    )9.Could you make her _______ her radio? It’s too noisy.

A. to turn upB. to turn down

C. turn upD. turn off

(    )10.Class was over, but some students continued _______ in the classroom.

A. studyB. studied

C. studiesD. studying




3.D。此题意为关于钢琴课多少钱,四个词只有for 意为“关于”。

4.B。 根据题意可排除A、C、D三项。

5.B。 本题考查固定搭配。be famous for “以……而闻名”,符合题意,而be famous as“作为……闻名”,不符合题意,其余介词不与be famous搭配。

6.C。从last week可知,需选动词的过去式,可排除B、D,且本句表示的是“借入”,故排除A。

7.D。考查there is going to be 结构。注意there be结构不能与have(has)同时使用。

8.B。本题考查感叹句结构:what+a (an)+n.!

9.D。考查make sb. do sth. 结构,动词不定式作宾语补足语时,不带to。从后面too noisy可知,要关掉(turn off)收音机。

10.D。 考查continue doing sth. 固定搭配。

摘抄自《英语简短会话1000例》之字幕之十六:……/—We send many emails and eat lunch together each day. 我们每天发很多邮件,中午也一起吃饭。366. Do you have any an appointment 你有预约吗?/—Yes, my appointment is at 10:00 am.有,我预约的10点。367. What are they made for?它们是什么做的?/—The outside is made of hard plastic外面是硬塑料做的。368. When did you set up yesterday?你昨天 早上几点起床?/—At about seven.七点左右。369. Is this your cellphone ?这是你的手机吗?/—No, I think it's John's cellphone. 不,我觉得是约翰手机。370. Where did you go?你去哪儿了?I went to the past office.我去邮局了。371. How often does the bus run?这车多长时间一趟?/—It runs 4 time a day.每天 4 趟。372.Can you run fast?你跑得快吗?/—No, I run very slowly, but my brother is fast.不,我跑得很慢,但我哥哥跑得很快。373. I'm taking a half-day leave tomorrow.我明天请半天假。/—Did you infor the boss about it? 你告知老板了吗?374. How much is it? 这个多少钱?/—Two hundred (dollars). 两百。375. Everything tastes great.每样东西都很美味。/—I'm recommending this restaurant to all my friends.我向我所有的朋友都推荐了这家餐厅。376. What's your first name? 你叫什么名字?/—Michael. 米迦勒。377. I'm very glad to see you. 见到你我很高兴/—How are you been? 你最近怎么样?378. It's so nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。/—We should meet again next week.我们应该下周再见一次。379. I booked us for a skydiving session.我给咱们预订了跳伞课/—Are you crazy?你疯了吧?380. He comes back from Sydney today.他今天从悉尼回来。/—How long was his trip?他的旅途多长时间?381. Can you please attend the meeting for me?你可以替我参加会议吗?/—Sorry, I can't.对不起,不行。382. Is it hard speak English?说英语很难吗?/—If you practice, English is easy. 如果你经常练习,其实英语挺容易的。383. Can I get you anything else?你还要点别的吗?/—A cup of tea, please. 请给我一杯茶。384.Were you with anyone?你和谁在一起?/—I was all alone.我一个人。 385. He cheated on the biology exam.他在生物学考试时作弊/—I wonder If he will get caught.我想他会不会被捉到。386. Why don't we go out and play tennis this afternoon?/今天下午我们出去打网球,好吗?—Yes, that sounds like a good idea.是的,听起来是个好主意。387. Why did you do that? 你为什么要那样做呢?/— I wasn't sure which we to go.我不确定该走哪条路?388. I can't lift my right arm.我无法举起我的右手臂。/—Do you want to go to the hospital?你想去医院吗?389. Why not go out for a walk?干嘛不出去散步?/—I'm a little sick. 我有点不舒服。


Wing Chun Wooden Dummy- Become a Master Infighter by Jason Korol 一书学习1


The empty hand forms, therefore, can be seen as learning the alphabet of

a language. The language we’re learning is violence, of course. Siu Lim Tao

gives us the ABC’s, Chum Kiu starts us speaking in easy sentences, and Biu

Jee provides us with our less common - though very important - words and

phrases. The Jong form sends us into “wooden” conversations with an eye

toward actually applying the rules of grammar and communication we’ve

been learning. That’s the big idea and in this way the Jong form is an

essential window through which we can view the language of violence.

小念头 是 字符ABC ,寻桥是句子,标指是词组 ,木人桩是语法及交流

Another helpful analogy would be music. After learning your chords and

essential basics, you move on to playing songs. The Jong form is a preset

arrangement of different types of music that you’ll need to know to be a good

musician. The idea is to make it so that you can go out with your instrument

(in our case, our body) and jam/play with any other band in any style, jazz,

rock, metal, blues, or country (maybe even K-Pop!).

或者可象想象成学习基本的和弦 想要调凑歌曲,木人桩提供不同风格音乐,要成为好的音乐家

你要会弹不同风格的歌曲 -

The actions on the Mook Jong are flexible rules meant to be applied. The

manner and style we apply Wing Chun will vary according to the situation at

hand. Wing Chun, after all, like any other fighting method, is a set of

principles meant to assist us in “communicating” in the field of violence.

木人桩是灵活的可相应不同的情境出手 ,是激列的交流艺术。

One extreme is traditionalism -

doing the form in a dead way, never willing to change it. The other is (and

you see this in JKD unfortunately) chaos,Though combat is unpredictable, its

still bound by the laws of physics and human emotion. The Jong form understands this and

strikes a careful balance between the two and avoids the dreaded irrationality

of either of those aforementioned extremes.


受约束于物理力学及人类情感 ,木人桩明白这点并平衡于阴阳这二者


Why you should learn how to cook, a survival skill?
