导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。world,war,z小说(《world,war,z》这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!美媒:西方对俄罗斯的制裁...




报道说,彭博社(Bloomberg)在周三晚些时候发布官方数据之前,编制出的一份一般性预测显示,2022年俄罗斯工业产出仅下降了0.7%。据彭博社经济报道,由于战争推动制造业实力帮助弥补了其他行业的下滑,因此(俄罗斯工业—译者注)几乎没有任何下滑(According to Bloomberg Economics, there was practically no decline at all as the war-fueled strength in manufacturing helped make up for declines in other sectors)。

报道说,英国投资行复兴资本(Renaissance Capital)经济学家索菲亚·多内斯(Sofya Donets)表示:“2022年的俄工业产出结果好于上半年的预测,也强于之前的危机”,“俄政府支出贡献很大,无论是在重工业还是轻工业”。自战争开始以来,工业一直是经济中最具韧性的部分之一,而零售额和货物周转率都在下降,总体萎缩了约2%。此外,由于政府支出大幅增加有助于限制经济损失,俄罗斯能源出口价格创纪录,直到年底才受到美国和欧洲限制的影响。

彭博经济社的亚历山大·伊萨科夫(Alexander Isakov)表示:“乌克兰战争将使今年的俄罗斯工业产出更高,比2022年高出2%,但代价是生活水平下降和消费停滞”(“The war in Ukraine will push industrial output this this year even higher - by 2% above 2022 - but at a cost of falling living standards and stagnating consumption,” said Alexander Isakov of Bloomberg Economics)。


报道说,俄罗斯没有透露与战争有关的生产细节,但官方数据中的某些部分,包括军事产品,自普京2月24日入侵以来一直表现强劲。去年前11个月,包括武器、炮弹和弹药在内的成品金属制品(Finished metal goods),增长了5%。经济学家表示,计算机、电子和光学产品的产量增长了4%,其中可能包括飞机、火箭发动机、光学瞄准镜和其他系统的零部件(图3)。



有俄罗斯央行研究部门的经济学家周二强调,制造业可能是2023年的亮点,但同时警告称,劳动力短缺加剧这可能会开始限制今年下半年的增长前景。尽管行业官员已经提到,但世界银行(the World Bank )的报告却没有提到这场战争,而这场战争确实导致了俄劳动力短缺。


报道的原标题是《Putin’s War Machine Helps Keep Russian Industry Humming》(普京的战争机器有助于保持俄罗斯工业的繁荣)。



报道说,梅德韦杰夫周六在电讯(Telegram)频道上写道:“首先,不需要欧洲人保卫乌克兰。如果发生任何事情,它将无法拯救衰老的旧世界免受惩罚;其次,一旦第三次世界大战爆发,不幸的是,这将不会发生在坦克上,甚至战机上。然后,一切都将彻底化为乌有”("Firstly, defending Ukraine, which nobody needs in Europe, will not save the senile Old World from retribution if anything occurs. Secondly, once the Third World War breaks out, unfortunately it will not be on tanks or even on fighter jets. Then everything will definitely be turned to dust," Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel on Saturday)。

报道说,在这篇帖子中,梅德韦杰夫特别评论了意大利国防部长吉多·克罗塞托(Guido Crosetto)的言论,即如果俄罗斯坦克抵达基辅和“欧洲边界”,第三次世界大战将爆发,而送往乌克兰的武器旨在阻止事态升级。梅德韦杰夫将他的言论,等同于英国呼吁向基辅提供北约拥有的所有武器。

报道的原标题是《If WWIII breaks out, it won’t start on tanks or fighter jets, warns Medvedev》(梅德韦杰夫警告说,如果第二次世界大战爆发,不会从坦克或战斗机开始)。


The Second World War had begun, and John wanted to join the army, but he was only 16 years old, and boys were allowed to join only if they were over 18. So when the army doctor examined him, he said that he was 18.

But John‘s brother had joined the army a few days before, and the same doctor had examined him too. This doctor remembered the older boy‘s family name, so when he saw John‘s papers, he was surprised.

"How old are you?" he said.

"Eighteen, sir," said John.

"But your brother was eighteen, too," said the doctor. "Are you twins?"

"Oh, no, sir," said John, and his face went red. "My brother is five months older than I am."








begun [bɪˈɡɪn] 开始,开始进行;着手

allow [əˈlaʊ] 允许;听凭;酌留;促使

army [ˈɑːmɪ] 军队,陆军;大群

examined [ɪɡˈzæmɪn] 调查;诊察;检查;检测

买书如山倒(190)《The Second World War》

#老叟晒书# #全民荐书人# #读书#



“我不知道第三次世界大战将要使用的武器,但是第四次世界大战将会用木棍和石头开战”。阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 (1947年)(原文:I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.)







In the years after World War ll,the world greatly changed.Much of this was due to new technology.For instance,the jet was developed.This increased the speed that people could travel.

There were also advances in telecommunications.Computers and the Internet were invented.It became much easier for people to communicate with others all around the world.This has led to the spread of globalization.

Basically,the world is becoming a smaller place.In the past,what happened in one country rarely affected other countries.Or it took a long time for any effects to occur.But the world is deferent today.Because of globalization,what happens in one part of the world can affect places all around it.

Thanks to globalization,people can now do business more easily with those in other countries.When you go to the supermarket,you can see various foods from all of the different countries.This happens because of globalization.Also,people are learning more about other countries these days.This leads to more understanding about other countries.

In the age of globalization, there has not been a single world war.And the world is becoming richer.Globalization has surely been good for the world.


Valley lily

I like the blue sky,because I can have a warm heart.I can protect tne world.I can't hurt the world.I feel I am not dangerous.I have a dream in the future.I will fly to the sky.Then I will see the view around the world.I want to fly the more higher.I hope without distance with sky.

There are clouds in the sky.It can change colour.Perhaps it is white,perhaps it is black.There is no doubt that it is beautiful.But I think the sky is a mysterious thing.When I am boring,I see the sky ,I can happen some ideals.I love the world.

We should explore the universe forever.We can't give up.I hope I have a wing,because I can become a angle.I can save the people and the world.But this is a myth,I need have strong power.I hope without war in the world.The world is safety and peaceful.We live in the same earth.






The United States was introduced into Japan during World War II.




2023年4月新书136页 温迪布朗 政治理论 《虚无时代:与马克思韦伯一起思考》Nihilitistic Times: Thinking with Max Weber

How has politics become a playpen for vain demagogues? Why has the university become an ideological war zone? What has happened to Truth? Wendy Brown places nihilism at the center of these predicaments. Emerging from European modernity’s replacement of God and tradition with science and reason, nihilism removes the foundation on which values, including that of truth itself, stand. It hyperpoliticizes knowledge and reduces the political sphere to displays of narcissism and irresponsible power plays. It renders the profound trivial, the future unimportant, and corruption banal.

To consider remedies for this condition, Brown turns to Weber’s famous Vocation Lectures, delivered at the end of World War I. There, Weber himself decries the effects of nihilism on both scholarly and political life. He also spells out requirements for re-securing truth in the academy and integrity in politics. Famously opposing the two spheres to each other, he sought to restrict academic life to the pursuit of facts and reserve for the political realm the pursuit and legislation of values.

Without accepting Weber’s arch oppositions, Brown acknowledges the distinctions they aim to mark as she charts reparative strategies for our own times. She calls for retrieving knowledge from hyperpoliticization without expunging values from research or teaching, and reflects on ways to embed responsibility in radical political action. Above all, she challenges the left to make good on its commitment to critical thinking by submitting all values to scrutiny in the classroom and to make good on its ambition for political transformation by twinning a radical democratic vision with charismatic leadership.

world War|||

黄某某教授数字经济智库执行院长 优质教育领域创作者

美帝有人给佩洛西此次出访总结如下If house speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan MAGA:She is going to start the WWIII! If house speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn’t visit Taiwan MAGA:She lets China win! She is Chinese asset!
