
Distinguished teachers、dear students:Good morning! I am Luo zhaoxiafrom class 18 senior 1 , I’m member of the broadcasting station ,today, thesubject of my speech is how to treat examination properly. We have takenpart in our first monthly examination last week. “Several happy few worries,”the grade is an important factor to influence our mood. Whatever, we shouldtreat our grades properly. So, how to have a proper attitude towards grades ? Firstly, treatinggrades with proper attitude If you are contentwith your grades,it means that you have a good preparation for thisexamination. But don’t be proud, what you have gotten now can’t represent yourfuture, Calming down and working hard to maintain you advantages. At the sametime, we should learn to share and care. It doesn’t matterif you failed in this examination. Do not, for one repulse, give up the purposethat you resolved to effect. What is more important is to find the gap betweenothers and us. Then, one day you may thank for this examination to help yourecognize your shortcomings. Secondly, facingyourself with rational analysis Both internal andexternal reasons can contribute to the result of examination. It is notdesirable to only cry or appreciate your present achievements and forget our way.Learning is a process of continuous improvements. Examination, which can testus and help us to find our defects of studying, is like a mirror. Any test isnot the last test of life, and spiral type is the main path of life. Thirdly,proceeding others with determined mind “it’s never toolate to mend”. Developing a feasible plan according to our own circumstance isthe key factor. But don’t be anxious for success when make plan. Even if youwant to climb the highest mountain, you must do it step by step. “big goals,small steps”, downing to earth and in stages is important to achieve yourlearning objectives. Fourthly,distinguishing importance with reasonable arrangements As for optionalcourse, we should arrange our time properly between optional course and regularcourse. 1. choosing one or two coursesaccording to our interests and hobbies. And don’t give up half way. 2. Arranging our time properlybetween optional course and regular course. 3. Developing ourselvescomprehensive with determined mind. 4. Participating in theactivities of school without affecting our learning. Finally, I want to share something with you, “Whenyou can fly, do not give up flying. When you can dream, do not give up thedream. When you can love, do not give up on love.” That’s all for my speech,thank you!
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